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Is your self care "engine" running smoothly?

Kerry at Rahanni-Reflex

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Self care is YOUR number one priority. Sounds selfish?

Then consider this..

If you continue to tend and put everyone else's needs above your own without any kind of respite (even for 1 hour), you will hit the floor exhausted.

As you start to feel completely depleted, there may be feelings of resentment, irritation, anger and possibly mistakes may be made so then your mental health starts deteriorating in addition to your physical being.

With that comes guilt which then attacks your self esteem ("i'm a bad person for having these thoughts" – It's a vicious circle).

It is A LOT easier for you to simply ask someone to be on stand by for 1 hour (a day, a week etc.) so you can top up your well-being rather than running yourself so far into the ground that it may take days or weeks for you to start feeling better again and you become the one being looked after.

Trust is a big part of your self care, you are not super human so ASK!

I hear so many of you say “well that's easy for you say!” and I KNOW because I have been there and said similar things BUT once you start asking for help and taking your 1hr's break, it gets easier and you become happier and then it becomes easier to continue with your role (whatever that may be). Whatever you choose to do within that 1 hour has to be for you and only you.

Your “1 hour of selfishness” could be the difference in you continuing to help those around you so choose wisely.

What will help your mental and physical self remain within a space of well-being? Mine is a walk around the immediate area where I live, popping in to see a neighbour to have a cuppa, receiving a healing session. As long as I am out of the house for an hour then I come back feeling better, sometimes inspired and definitely raring to go again.

I have experienced hitting rock bottom and it took me months to regain my strength, as you get older it seems to take so much more effort so remembering how I felt back then keeps me going along with my 1hr selfish self care treats and it ensures I don't ever go back there again!



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